Give Feedback/Complaints

At Premier Insurance we are committed to providing our customers with a superior service that helps nurture and maintain customer loyalty.  However, we understand that despite our best efforts, we may not always meet our customer’s expectations.  Therefore, we encourage customers who are not satisfied with our service to share details of your experience with us so we can act promptly to resolve your complaints.

Feedback/Complaints may be communicated via e-mail, a formal letter or verbally to the Company’s Ombudsman using the contact information provided below:

You can submit your feedback to us by completing the form below or you can address your concerns or complaints to:

Complaints officer:
Mr. Vinai Narace
Premier Insurance Company Inc.
Lot 68 High Street, Kingston,
Georgetown, Guyana


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Nature of Feedback
Are you a customer of PREMIER Insurance Inc.?
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Guidelines and Process

When making your complaint, please provide as much information as possible, including

• Personal and contact details
• Date of Loss/ Incident
• Claim / Policy no.
• Nature of the complaint
• How we can resolve the matter
The Ombudsman will provide an acknowledgement of receipt within two (2) business days of receiving your complaint.

The results of the investigation into your complaint will be shared via a resolution letter no later than (6) weeks from the date of the first receipt of your complaint. This letter will explain the results of the investigation and the reasons for the Organisation's decision or actions.

If we are unable to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction, we shall so indicate in a letter referred to as a final position letter.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)